Topic: Technology

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Overdose Data to Action in States

This CDC webpage describes the “Overdose Data to Action in States” (OD2A) program, a cooperative agreement funding state health departments to enhance drug overdose surveillance and prevention efforts. It outlines the program’s focus on using data to inform evidence-based prevention strategies, particularly for communities disproportionately affected by the overdose epidemic. The page also details required and optional surveillance and prevention strategies, emphasizing harm reduction, health equity, and culturally relevant interventions.

Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs (PDMPs)

This CDC webpage provides an overview of Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs (PDMPs), electronic databases that track controlled substance prescriptions at the state level. It highlights PDMPs as crucial tools for improving opioid prescribing practices, informing clinical decisions, and supporting public health interventions. The page also discusses key features of PDMPs, such as real-time data access and ease of use, and offers resources for healthcare providers and states to maximize their effectiveness.

The Overdose Data to Action Program (OD2A)

The Overdose Data to Action Program (OD2A) supports the state in getting high quality, comprehensive and timelier data on opioid prescribing and mortality, and to use those data to inform the state’s prevention and interventions efforts. The Nevada OD2A Program is being administered by the Division of Public and Behavioral Health and involves partnerships that include the Nevada Board of Pharmacy, Washoe County Human Services, Washoe County Medical Examiner, Southern Nevada Health District, Family Support Center, and the Larson Institute at the University of Nevada, Reno School of Public Health.

FDA Innovation Challenge: Devices to Prevent and Treat Opioid Use Disorder

As part of important efforts to address the epidemic of opioid misuse and abuse, the FDA launched an innovation challenge on May 31, 2018, to spur the development of medical devices, including diagnostic tests and digital health technologies (mobile medical applications) to help combat the opioid crisis and achieve the goal of preventing and treating opioid use disorder.

Ethics in the Age of Telehealth: SELF-PACED ONLINE

The COVID-19 pandemic put the adaptation of technology in the behavioral health treatment into hyperdrive. Technology has brought about an era of incredible possibilities for enhancing that treatment. It has also brought with it a new era of ethical dilemmas that we did not face merely a decade ago. Social media and the internet have opened up our views of the world, and the world’s view of us; telehealth has become a common practice in almost every avenue of health care; and the fatigue from the use of all of this technology can be felt by providers. This 6 hour training will examine how technology is impacting our work and how we can respond to the uncertain situations that result. We will examine ethical considerations to protect clients when providing services through the use of technology as well as the necessary attention to provider self care as an element of our ethical obligation to the practice.

Bringing Prevention Virtual

The resources below were created by the PTTC Network to assist prevention professionals as they transition to delivering services and programming from face-to-face to virtual settings. Select the title of a resource to be redirected to view or download that resource. Additional resources will be added to this page as they are developed by our Network.

Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC) Network

The Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC) Network works to improve implementation and delivery of effective substance use prevention interventions, and provide training and technical assistance services to the substance misuse prevention field.