Nobody ever thinks they'll become addicted to opioids...

think about getting help

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Recovery is possible. And worth it.

Nobody ever thinks they’ll find themselves struggling with an opioid dependency. It can happen to anyone, at any time. Recovery is possible. It starts with making the choice to change for the better, right now. Find resources now to start working toward a better life for you or a loved one.

Hear First-Hand Why Recovery is Worth It

Hear Real Stories from Health Professionals Within the Industry and People Who are now in Active Recovery

Portrait of Austin Pollard, a veteran in active recovery​.

Austin Pollard | Veteran in Active Recovery

Listen to Austin's story of joining the Marines, being prescribed opioids after an injury and his story losing everything, then recovering to get his life back.

Portrait of Kaisha Martinez, a mother in active recovery.​

Kaisha Martinez | Mother In Active Recovery

Hear Kaisha's story of growing up in a small town, her struggle with heroin and drug addiction and how her pregnancy and daughter saved her life.

Portrait of Joe Engle, the Founder of No Hero In Heroin​.

Joe Engle | Founder of No Hero In Heroin

Hear how Joe's experience of losing a son to an opioid dependency led him to create a foundation to make a change for others struggling to recover.

Portrait of Nicole Dressler, a volunteer at the Foundation for Recovery, who is in active recovery.

Nicole Dressler | Volunteer at Foundation for Recovery In Active Recovery

Listen to Nicole recounts her story of becoming addicted to opioids from a young age and how the stigma made it difficult to seek the help she needed for recovery.

Portrait of Brett Bell, who is in active recovery​.

Brett Bell | In Active Recovery

With the right support, recovery is possible. Brett tells of his struggle with addiction from a young age, the loss of his closest loved ones, and how hope was the main driver for his recovery.

Portrait of George Petty, a father and volunteer in active recovery​.

George Petty | Father and Volunteer In Active Recovery

Watch George's story of recovery from opioid dependency, losing his family, and how his own experiences motivate him to help others struggling.

Portrait of Adam Heinz, NRP, Executive Director of AEMD at REMSA.

Adam Heinz | NRP, AEMD Executive Director at REMSA

Hear how as an EMT, Adam witnessed the prevalence of opioid abuse within communities regardless of race, gender, income or zip code.

Portrait of John Newell, the Peer Support Specialist at Foundation for Recovery​.

John Newell | Peer Support Specialist At Foundation for Recovery

Listen to how John went from dealing and using drugs to becoming a peer support specialist that helps others in their own recovery paths.

Portrait of Dani Tillman, Brittany's mom and Executive Director at Ridge House​.

Dani Tillman | Brittany's Mom, Executive Director at Ridge House

Dani's story is one of recovery and loss. Hear how she reconnected with her daughter only to lose her to a fatal overdose and how she has made it her mission to help others.

Portrait of Dr. Stephanie Woodard, the State Mental Health Authority and the Single State Authority for Substance Abuse.​

Dr. Stephanie Woodard | State Mental Health Authority and the Single State Authority for Substance Abuse

Hear Dr. Woodard explain the importance of recognizing that the addiction is not the person in order to end the stigma that prevents so many people struggling from seeking the help they need.

What you need to know about opioids

What are opioids?

Opioids are a group of chemically similar drugs that include heroin and prescription pain relievers, such as hydrocodone, oxycodone, morphine and fentanyl. Addiction occurs extremely fast, but with help many people have overcome their dependency.

people aged 12 or over misused opioids in 2018
1 M
people in the US have recovered from a substance dependency
1 M
could be all it takes for someone to become addicted to an opioid
1 Days
of those recovered used professional or external assistance
1 %


Why you should get help

Opioid addiction happens fast and it can happen to anyone regardless of background or beliefs. Recovery may not be an easy process, but you are not alone. If you’ve sought help before or this is your first time there is still hope.

Opioid pills.
Vial of Naloxone.


What is Naloxone?

Naloxone is a medication designed to rapidly reverse the effects of an opioid overdose by binding  to opioid receptors. It can save lives of people who have overdosed if it’s administered correctly. Learn more about Naloxone and where to find Naloxone.

Think about getting help today