The purpose of Project ECHO Nevada is to expand the capacity of health professionals to effectively treat chronic, common, and complex health conditions in underserved populations throughout Nevada. Project ECHO Nevada links university-based faculty specialists to primary care providers in rural and under-served areas for a variety of specialty clinics. With the support of the SOR grant, Project ECHO Nevada has created a cohort-based Stimulant Use Disorder clinic to support healthcare and mental health providers, staff and administrators. Additionally, ECHO Nevada has expanded their Pain Management clinic to support clinicians with information on the proper prescribing of controlled substances, alternative therapies for pain, and the psychology behind pain.
To learn more about the Stimulant Use Disorder ECHO clinic here. For more information about the Pain Management ECHO clinic click here.
You can also contact Project ECHO Nevada at projectecho@med.unr.edu or (775) 682-8481.