Screening and Brief Intervention for Alcohol and Opioid/Substance Use
The Screening and Brief Intervention (SBI) for Alcohol and Opioid/Substance Use Professionals course is designed as a comprehensive evidence-based approach for facilitating conversations between patients/clients and healthcare providers in medical and community health settings regarding alcohol and opioid/substance use. The course includes a didactic component on the topics of: Substance use among adults, adolescents, and pregnant persons; Substance use and mental health; categories of substance use; SBI cost effectiveness, Screening tools; Brief Intervention; Core motivational interviewing skills; and Referral to treatment. In addition, demonstrations on how to use SBI with patients/clients for both alcohol and opioid/substance use are provided.

teachSBIRT Self-Paced Course
The four online training modules will provide participants the opportunity to gain awareness around epidemiological trends and data regarding the percentage of the US population participating in risky alcohol and other drug use, and medical conditions associated with risky drinking and drug use.

A Tour of Motivational Interviewing: An Interprofessional Road Map for Behavior Change
4-hour, free self-paced, online course
UCLA ISAP/Pacific Southwest ATTC 4-Hour SBIRT Training
This training provides a brief overview of the prevalence of substance use, criteria for risky use, and the effects of substance use on health and mental health functioning. The two approved screening tools (AUDIT and AUDIT-C) will be reviewed, and providers will learn how to conduct a three-step Brief Intervention utilizing motivational interviewing techniques focused on motivating people toward positive behavioral change.
UMKC SBIRT for Health and Behavioral Health Professionals
This 3.5-hour, self-paced course is for health, oral health, and behavioral health students and professionals. Learners will take part in an interactive, simulated new employee orientation on SBIRT (screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment for substance use) in a fictional healthcare center. Participants will apply and test their knowledge through interactive games, case scenarios, and quizzes following each module. The goal of this course is to help participants develop their knowledge, skills, and abilities in using SBIRT as an intervention with patients.

SBIRT for Physicians and other Medical Providers “Alcohol and Drug Use Screening, Brief Intervention, Referral to Treatment (SBIRT)”
The SBIRT training course teaches physicians and other medical providers how to identify and address misuse of alcohol, illegal drugs and prescription medication among patients. The training includes (1) substance use trends and rationale for using SBIRT; (2) screening tools to determine patient risk for developing substance use disorders; (3) motivational conversation techniques to help patients reduce or stop substance use; and (4) most effective ways to refer patients to specialty care when needed.
CE credit is available for this course. All 5 videos and a final test must be completed to request 1.25 CEU’s from the American Psychological Association (APA) or the National Board of Certified Counselors (NBCC).